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Injectable Treatments

Our Services/ Injectables

Services We Offer

LIENJANG offers injectables such as anti-aging treatments and dermal facial fillers that can be used separately or together to minimize the appearance of fine lines, and wrinkles to improve facial volume. In addition to anti-aging, LIENJANG also offers skin rejuvenation boosters and fat dissolving injections!

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General Question

We often have patients ask us about differences between Botox and dermal fillers, as well as what can be expected from each procedure. We’ve listed the most frequently asked questions below to help you decide which treatment is right for you.

With Botox, most patients start to notice a difference in their appearance within 3 ~ 7 days with results lasting up to four months. With dermal fillers, the results are immediate and long lasting. Some fillers provide results that continue to improve over time. Depending on the type of filler you receive, the effects can last anywhere from six months to five years.